Today I remembered small pleasures, seeing a familiar name in a newspaper. Eating sour candy. The soda soaked cup at the end of a visit to the cinema, and my sore tongue picking at popcorn kernels stuck in my teeth. What a big accomplishment. Just like the films they put on for me. A favorite […]

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Today I remembered my first love (and some other obsessions), after finding our old vase. When I was young, I wrote this parable about an alien loving pineapples. Only very specific ones, however. His human partner would not like how they would ferment, and they couldn’t speak the same tongue. I guess nothing makes sense […]

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Today I remembered making wishes and having hope. I found this rusty old coin in my pocket, from somebody I can’t recall, from a place I don’t know, with a purpose it hasn’t served. When I was a child and I would find them, I’d keep them until I saw the first well and I […]

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Today I remembered my mother and her sweater. I remember eating this small lemon tart on my first flight ever. They took me to a theme park when I was 5 and I smudged it. There are lilacs knocking on the windows now, just like then. The rooms used to seem so big back then, […]

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  Frica de dentist este, probabil, una din cele mai frecvente fobii. Dar de unde provine aceasta frică, care sunt factorii declanșatori și, mai ales, cum o putem combate? În primul rând, vorbim despre frica de durere. Cei mai mulți pacienți ai mei, care ajung în cabinet speriați, îmi spun tot felul de povești de […]

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